RANDOM – 2015. A look back

Hello, Hello at the last Hour of 2015.
And what a year it was. Like every year, it had its ups and downs and I lost but also gained friends but let’s pick out the highlights of the year.

On February 14th, I jumped on the bandwagon and made a Facebook page. It is nothing really big but I am actually surprised to have got over 90 Likes on it. If you are interested, check out the link:


I drew a lot this year and found out that I could be able to do even better Portraits when I improve those skills but I still suck with the rest of the body anatomy and some faces just seem to be incredible difficult for me.

Further, I’ve found out that I am really able to lose weight and managed to lose 12kg by keeping track of my calorie intake. Time to continue with adding (more) sports should kill the rest of the unwanted weight in the future.

In April, I was frightened when it came to meet one of the Actors I admire the most. Mark Gatiss. It was time for the Sherlocked Event and I dressed to Cosplay his Character of Sherlock, Mycroft Holmes. I wasn’t this kind of nervous when I saw and met him the evening before at the Theatre to watch “The Vote” but my legs were terrible weak when I stood in the queue for the photograph with Mark Gatiss, while I was dressed as him. He was the first of the Sherlocked Guests I met to take a picture with and it was a relief when it turned out that he liked my Cosplay. The whole Sherlocked Event gave a response to my Cosplay what I personally never thought I would ever get. People liked it a lot and all of the Sherlock Cast were amazed by it. I even won a Cosplay Competition for the first time of my live. Third place but still. I won.
Also, I met so many lovely people who I became friends with. I definitely had the best Convention of my life and the Post-Con-Hangover held on for a very long time and I am looking forward to the next Sherlocked.

A few weeks later, I was invited to a wedding. The first wedding I attended and it was a very happy experience to share with friends. Even though nobody got me to dance because I am not a dancer at all but I sewed a blue dress extra for this occasion.

This year also ended my long and desperate search for a new job. I have found one and still like it. I never had so lovely colleagues before. I am happy there and really hope it will go on for long.

Before I got my new job, I sadly had to retire my beloved Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro. It didn’t work properly any more and after 4 years, the Sony Xperia M4 Aqua took the place of being my phone now.

I also improved my cooking skills what brought me a few new favourite dishes. I even got an original Mexican recipe for tacos of a very sweet friend of mine from the US. I never had Tacos before and now I am really amazed about how good they taste.
This year, I even tried out Matcha for the first time of my life in the beginning of the year and fell in love with it. Especially with Matcha Latte. What brought me a Gold Status at Starbucks because I can’t do it by myself every time because of the time.

The Sherlock Cast People were not the only famous people I met this year. At Vienna Comic Con, I also met Neve McIntosh (Madame Vastra/Doctor Who). I was able to talk to her for a bit and I can tell that she is very lovely. At this Con, I even got a picture of myself as Mycroft, sitting in the Iron Throne of Game of Thrones.


In the end of the year where I already thought I would be forgotten because it is just me, a friend told me to check out a Tweet on Mark Gatiss’s Site what left me speechless. I need to say thank you again for the amazing Convention-Time. Some of the comments are quite mean but the fact that he decided to chose me as his memory for the Sherlocked let me smile and gave me motivation to improve my skills even more.

And of course, I did a lot of pictures this year and it is really difficult to choose my top three but I can show you a few pictures I did this year and really like, as well as a few pictures of my own little series called “Adventures of little Mycroft” what I started with the day I got my Funko Pop Mycroft, at the bottom of this entry.

I probably missed a lot of things to write down like the fact that I have found a love to James Bond or that we finally had the Year Marty McFly arrived in the Future so, the Future is now past!
But I think I got at least a few things written down.

For my New Years resolutions, I do not have much but want to try following points:
* Lose more weight. I already managed 12kg, so I should be able to lose the rest as well
* improve my photography skills and take more pictures
* be more confident
* get myself more motivated for certain stuff and do not waste time
* improve my English
* make a Cosplay entirely by my own
* read more books and watch more films
* find even more awesome recipes

A big Thank you to all the people who made my 2015.
To all who made me laugh, to made me go on and motivate me.
Thank you and let us laugh in 2016 as well.
Have a good and save New Years Eve. ♥

Over and Out
the sleeping Frog

Twitter // Instagram // deviantArt

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